Description and objectives
The goal is to propose an analysis method to identify in a reasonable way the parameters that must be collected to carry dependability studies. The method shoud highlight how the dependability studies can be used and completed effectively to establish and prioritize the list of these parameters through a techno-economic evaluation. It is then necessary to identify the tools, methods and knowledge necessary to characterize these parameters (meaning, collection, ways of modelization, …). Finally, the end user will contribute for the technical relevency of these parameters.
Start date
14 months
Task leader
Sub-tasks and delivrables
T.2.1. Evaluation of the methodological framework
D.2.1. Final notes
T.2.2. Parameters targeting for MAPSYD project
D.2.2. Synthesis of the parameters for MAPSYD project
T.2.3. Use of dependability analysis
D.2.3. Methdological note
T.2.4. Parameters characterization
D.2.4. Methdological note
T.2.5. Classification/Prioritization of parameters
D.2.5. Methodological note
Month 9